Physical Demands Analysis (PDA)/ Job Demands Analysis (JDA)
A PDA/ JDA is a quantitative and objective summary of the physical and cognitive demands of a job. The ergonomist will spend a half to a full day on-site to interview worker(s)/ supervisor/ manager, photograph & measure essential tasks (ex. Push/ pull, lifting, carrying, reaching, etc).
Once the PDA/JDA is complete, you will receive an electronic report providing a detailed quantitative description of the job. This includes pictures, description of tasks, weights (carried, lifted, pushed, pulled), climbing, distance walked, and postures required.
A PDA/ JDA is a useful tool and can be used for:
Job-matching – cross-referencing the requirements of the job relative to a worker's abilities/ limitations
Inclusion with Job Postings
Basis of an ergonomic analysis for risks for injury
Submitting to the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) to assist with Claim Adjudication or return to work planning
Determining modified work tasks for a worker with physical limitations